Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The gift of graciously receiving

"Every good and perfect gift is from above…"
James 1:17

During this time of abundant giving, I some times find myself struggling to be a gracious recipient. Throughout the Bible there are reminders to the importance of giving; giving of ourselves, giving of our gifts and abilities, giving of our fortunes, giving to those less fortunate, giving to those we love. Moreover, we know that giving is a gift in and of itself. We find excitement in giving; it brings us joy and pleasure. As mothers, we spend most of our days in a state of near constant giving. However, when we find ourselves on the receiving end, it can often be an uncomfortable situation. We say things like “oh, you shouldn’t have” and “it’s really too much”. We feel the need to reciprocate, and look for a way to “pay back” the giver, even knowing that when we ourselves give, we do so because we want to gift that person in some way, bring them happiness, and show our love or appreciation. Still, there is a feeling of reluctance to receive. In reading the beginning of James 1:17 “Every good and perfect gift is from above…” I started to think of how important it is to be a gracious recipient. Offering a gift is like offering yourself, and those who are giving to us, are doing so out of their own desire to share their love and joy with us. A desire to share their gifts from above; gifts given to them by the grace of God, and passed along to us with an open heart and generous spirit. A gift given blesses both the receiver and the giver, but only if we are gracious in receiving it. Without our grace, we steal the joy of giving from our friends or family members who are so sweetly offering themselves to us. I have decided to make a strong effort this season to accept the gifts of others with grace, for in gracefully accepting their gift, I am also accepting their love.

1 comment:

Marcy said...

I just joined MOPS this year and love it. Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog! :-)