Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Gift for the Ringmaster

Thoughts of Christmas always lead to memories of years gone by, fun holiday traditions and spending time with family and friends. But amid those thoughts of holiday joys I also start thinking of the less fortunate. Those who will rely on the kindness of strangers to be able to celebrate this holiday season. While searching out a verse on giving I came across the story in Matthew (25:31-40) of the Sheep and the Goats, and while it may be a stretch (and was no doubt inspired in large part by our theme of Adventures in Mothering), I began to imagine the scene inside a big circus tent, Jesus was in the center ring , and with all the showmanship of a veteran ringmaster he calls out to the crowd telling them of the reward for their good deeds and explaining “...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40). I go on to imagine that if Jesus were to make a list of “wishes” for his birthday, our generosity and compassion to those in need; would no doubt be near the top of that list. With the economy what it is, and so many of us struggling, please take time to remember, what may be a small gesture to you, could mean the world to someone else. And, as parents, what better gift can we give to our children than the gift of a generous spirit. They learn so much by watching us, and we can forever impact the lives of not just our own children, but also the innocent children affected so dramatically by these financially difficult times.